Various Health Benefits of Using Cinnamon

Health Benefits of Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a delicious and versatile spice that is added to many desserts and it is readily available in most grocery stores. In addition to adding flavor to food, cinnamon has also been used as a natural remedy because of its many health benefits. It is used to naturally increase the body’s circulation, fight against cold and nausea, help in digestion, etc. Some of the best health benefits of cinnamon are explained below.

Balances Blood Sugar

Cinnamon is known to keep blood sugar levels stable. It is particularly beneficial for diabetes patients since it can control their blood sugar spikes, which otherwise can cause serious health problems. It also helps diabetics to control their insulin level. A recent study showed that people who were given cinnamon supplements had better blood sugar balance than those who only received prescription supplements for this condition.

Anti-Inflammatory Benefits

Cinnamon can have beneficial effects on inflammation in the body. Cinnamaldehyde, which is the active ingredient in cinnamon, helps to prevent blood platelet clotting, which protects the heart. The anti-inflammatory property of cinnamon makes it a very heart healthy spice to incorporate into your diet. It also contains the mineral fiber, manganese, iron and calcium. Fiber helps to prevent constipation and diarrhea and can also help to reduce high cholesterol levels.

Anti-Fungal and Anti-Bacterial

It is believed that the oils that are present in cinnamon possess anti-fungal and anti-bacterial qualities. Because of these properties, it can be used to treat conditions such as yeast infections and head lice.

Healthy Brain Activity

The sweet fragrance of cinnamon can stimulate brain activity. A recent study showed that smelling this spice promotes better cognition in areas related to memory, alertness, attention and computer related tasks.

Various Ways of Using Cinnamon

Cinnamon can either be used as a ground spice or as a stick. Organic cinnamon is more likely to have higher vitamin C content since it is not irradiated. Cinnamon should be stored in a cool environment for no more than six months.

There are many ways in which you can use cinnamon. If you are suffering with cold and flu, you can make a delicious tea and add a little fresh ginger in it as well. Another delicious alternative is having a cinnamon toast on healthy wheat bread with a drizzle of honey and olive oil in the morning. You can also simmer cinnamon sticks for teas and hot beverages such as warm milk and honey. A little bit of cinnamon can also be sprinkled on vegetables, beans, grilled meats, rice dishes and curries.

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