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Factors That Can Trigger Asthma Attacks in Children

Asthma triggers are factors that usually don’t affect normal people, but can prove to be life threatening for asthmatics. A lot of children suffer from asthma and most parents fear the dreaded outcome if their child fails to get the inhaler in time. It is important for parents to be aware of all the possible

Fun and Easy to Perform Cardiovascular Exercises

Cardiovascular exercises have numerous health benefits. They improve the activity of the heart and keep your heart healthy. These workouts increase the heart beat by 60-70 percent when compared to the normal rate. They also improve your overall fitness level and reduce stress. Cardio exercises are also a great way of reducing extra fat. Cardiovascular

Lifestyle Changes to Reduce the Effects of Depression

Depression is a widespread emotional disorder that affects millions of people from all around the globe. People who are depressed feel sad, worthless and pessimistic all the time, which further complicates this condition. This forms a cycle that is very hard to get out of. If not treated on time, depression can be very overwhelming.

Improving Metabolism for Faster Weight Loss

The speed of your metabolism determines the rate at which your body burns calories. People who have high metabolic rate are able to burn calories faster than others, thereby making the weight loss process easier. The metabolic rate of an individual is determined by their diet and activity level. Many people believe that reducing their

Natural Ways to Keep Heart Diseases Away

There are quite a few things that you can do to prevent heart diseases. Although you have no control over factors like age and family history, there are many preventive measures that could be taken to reduce controllable risk factors. Exercise at least 30 minutes every day Regular exercise is one of the most efficient

Foods That Improve Memory And Increase Concentration

The foods that you eat not only affect your body, but they also have a direct effect on the brain. By eating certain brain-friendly foods, you can sharpen your brain, improve memory, and increase concentration. Listed below are several food items that promote good brain health. Whole Foods The fact that whole foods do not

Various Harmful Effects of Energy Drinks

Energy drinks have become very popular, especially among the younger generation. Plenty of people consume these beverages in order to feel more energetic throughout the day. Statistics reveal that over 30% of teenagers in the USA consume energy drinks on a regular basis, and there are over $9 billion dollars in sales of energy drinks

Healthy and Unhealthy Foods for Diabetics

If you suffer from diabetes, you need to make a few changes in your diet. It doesn’t mean that you have to be too restrictive; you just need to follow a healthy eating plan that is rich in nutrients and low in fat and calories. A healthy diet for diabetics can be extremely beneficial even

Various Health Benefits of Using Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a delicious and versatile spice that is added to many desserts and it is readily available in most grocery stores. In addition to adding flavor to food, cinnamon has also been used as a natural remedy because of its many health benefits. It is used to naturally increase the body’s circulation, fight against

Effective Ways to Prevent Common Cold and Flu

Cold and flu is among the most common illnesses known to mankind. What’s worse is that there are no known cures for this frustrating condition. Therefore, you should know ways to prevent cold and flu before it gets you. Common cold is contagious; viruses are easily transferred from person to person. You can get infected