Good and Bad Foods for Iron Absorption

Sources of Iron

There are two types of dietary iron, namely heme and non-heme iron. Your body finds it easier to absorb heme iron, which is found in poultry, seafood, fish, and meat. Plant-based foods such as green leafy vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds, and legumes are primary sources of non-heme iron.

Iron performs many important functions in the body, transportation of oxygen being one of them. Therefore, it is necessary to include sufficient amount of iron-rich foods in your daily diet. However, only a certain portion of the iron from the foods that we eat is absorbed by the body. The quantity of iron that has already been stored in the body affects the absorption of iron. Your body will be able to absorb less iron if large amount of it is already stored in the liver, bone marrow, and spleen. Besides this, there are certain foods that negatively affect iron absorption. Discussed below are a few foods that reduce iron absorption.

Calcium Rich Foods

Calcium is capable of preventing the absorption of both heme iron and non-heme iron. Milk, cheese, yogurt, sardines, salmon, figs, tofu, turnip greens, and rhubarb are some high calcium foods that affect iron absorption. Consuming just 50mg or even lesser calcium won’t have much effect on iron absorption. Calcium intake in excess of about 300 to 600mg can inhibit iron absorption to a significant extent.

However, certain calcium-rich foods like figs and fish are also important iron sources. Fish contains heme iron, which is easily absorbed by the body. Moreover, your body needs calcium to maintain healthy bones and teeth. Therefore, it is important that you don’t avoid the consumption of these foods altogether.

Phosphorus Rich Foods

Phosphorous, like calcium, play an important role in maintaining good bone health. However, they can have an adverse effect on the absorption of non-heme iron. Foods like poultry, dairy products, meat, fish, legumes, whole grains, and nuts are some main sources of phosphorous. However, poultry, fish, and meat are also some of the best sources of heme-iron. Therefore, you should not include these foods in your diet if you want to increase your iron levels. The best way to absorb iron in the intestine is to take phosphorous-rich foods along with foods that are high in vitamin C.

Foods that Contain Phytates

Whole grains and legumes contain phytate, which is a compound that has shown to have an adverse effect on the absorption of non-heme iron. These compounds are present in bread, nuts, seeds, split peas, rich, soy products, and cereals. However, most of these foods are excellent sources of non-heme iron. Therefore, consuming them can increase iron intake and thus nullify the reduction in iron absorption.

Foods that Enhance the Absorption of Iron

There are quite a few foods that can increase iron absorption in the body. Such foods can counter the effects of compounds that are responsible for preventing the absorption of this important mineral. Vitamin C has shown to significantly increase iron absorption, non-heme in particular. Some excellent sources of vitamin C include citrus fruits, guavas, strawberries, kiwi fruit, broccoli, bell peppers, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and dark green left vegetables. Animal protein such as fish, meat, and poultry can also boost iron absorption.

Following a well-balanced diet that contains a proper mix of foods is the best way of obtaining enough iron and all other necessary nutrients.

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